Kamis, 14 November 2013

Discover Westminster Abbey in London

One of the attractions to enjoy throughout the journey through London 's famous Westminster Abbey in London, which is a religious place of great importance and can be accessed at certain times. From 9:30 in the morning is when we usually visit this beautiful abbey, a good way to start the day making our presence in the city of London.

Each day has a different closing time , but usually you can get the latest from 15:30 hours, although it is best to always try to go as early as possible for maximum time available to us and enjoy all corner that offers the abbey, which is one of the attractions .

Logically Sundays will not be the time to enter the abbey and opens only for Christians and worship in general and certainly not open for the tourists to visit . Is one of recommended visits to enjoy this important religious building in the city of London, one of the proposals that tourists do not usually leave out.

It is certainly one of the places of interest and costs about to enter is about 18 pounds for adults, while children will have to pay less , including children under 11 years do not have to pay anything , so it well worth paying attention to this great abbey and enjoy every detail.

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